Sunday, July 29, 2012

The Magic of Mud

Summer where I live is a mixture of sun and rain, hot and cold. I have found it more difficult this year to enjoy those hot sunny days than in previous years; this is due to having a two month old, as well as the fact that we have just moved into a new home and have no landscaping done at this time. However, this lack of green grass has allowed for a wonderful opportunity! I have introduced my 16 month old to the concept of mudpies! We wait for the rain (never having to wait long) and venture out into the undeveloped land behind our house to find the biggest mudpuddle available. At first he is unsure of the feeling of the mud between his toes while his sandles sink into the wet muck. Then he reaches for my hand because he can't seem to get his foot to move forward. So I take his hand and the undeniable sound of a suction cup can be heard as he picks his little foot up and slurps it back down again. When we finally make it to the puddle he squats down with his spoons and other kitchenware to scoop and fill. It doesn't take long before the spoons are disposed of as he figures his hands can do a much more effective job. Once the hands are wet and muddy, it becomes second-nature to splash up a storm. Before long we are both covered in wet, dark mud.
What has this little venture done for a boy, just learning to explore the world? He has learned first and foremost to trust. He knows that when his hand goes up in search of help in moving forward, I will be there. He has learned about gravity, as his shoes get heavier and heavier with each step, while the mud continues to cake onto his shoes like a thick dark cloud. He has learned the value of getting dirty to get the job done, as he realizes his hands can do the job as well as any tool. He has also learned to play; he has learned the value of letting his guard down and getting involved simply because it is fun!
And me? What has this little adventure done for me? I have learned that every moment I spend with this little boy is a memory in the making. I have learned the magic of childhood.

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